[6bone] Re: reverse 6dns painful (was Re: reverse DNS considered pointless)

Chuck Yerkes chuck+6bone at snew.com
Thu Feb 12 10:10:51 PST 2004

Quoting Perry E. Metzger (perry at piermont.com):
> Anand Kumria <wildfire at progsoc.uts.edu.au> writes:
> > What useful reverse DNS deployment? Can you usefully assign reverse for
> > systems using the privacy extensions?
> Yes, if only to give you a general idea of the organization that the
> addresses come from.
> > Look at IPv4 to see how hard it for people to manage < 2^8 in
> > address for reverse,
> It is trivial to manage them -- just generate your forwards and
> reverses from a database. I had assumed most people understood that
> managing multiple files with interrelated data was best done by
> automated, rather than manual, means.

I gotta say, though, that it would be nice if BIND let you describe
a zone file is "this is a reverse for BLAH" and let you put the
address in FORWARD as we are used to seeing it:

and let the damn parser turn that into what named wants to see.
I've made enough typos doing reverse by hand and don't understand
why I'm doing it.  (ok, now a perl script does it, but there's no
reason for me to even store it like that in a file).

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