[6bone] Getting ISPs to use IPv6

Mark Prior mrp@mrp.net
Tue, 4 Mar 2003 11:53:20 +1030

At 2:23 PM +1000 3/3/03, Dan Reeder wrote:
>let me expand on my point below -
>according to sixxs, there's four TLAs in australia: Connect, Telstra, NTT,
>from what I can determine, Connect has been idle since it's inception in
>1999; Telstra has a boss who thinks packet switching is an immature
>technology, not to mention the fact that their left hand doesn't know what
>the right hand is doing in an organisation that big; NTT seems to be for big
>business ($$) only; and Aarnet for educational institutions only.
Connect had it running (since I turned it on and was using it :-) but 
I guess someone/thing has broken it (possibly just the tunnel out of 
the country). It wasn't a production service so it would have needed 
someone to complain for a problem to be investigated and fixed.

(now at AARNet :-)