[6bone] Getting ISPs to use IPv6

Jeroen Massar jeroen@unfix.org
Mon, 3 Mar 2003 16:35:54 +0100

Dan Reeder wrote:

> let me expand on my point below -
> according to sixxs, there's four TLAs in australia: Connect, 
> Telstra, NTT,
> and AARNET

You skipped Trumpet, though they have 'only' a 6bone pTLA.
Trumpet has been quite active in the IPv6 world and even
added IPv6 support to most of their programs, at least
according to their website.
See: http://www.trumpet.com.au/ipv6.htm

2001:388::/32   AARNET-IPV6-20020117
2001:210::/35   CONNECT-AU-19990916
2001:360::/32   V6TELSTRAINTERNET-AU-20011211
3ffe:8000::/28  TRUMPET/AU
2001:c78::/32   NTTIP-AU-20020910  

> from what I can determine, Connect has been idle since it's 
> inception in 1999; Telstra has a boss who thinks packet
> switching is an immature technology, not to mention the
> fact that their left hand doesn't know what the right hand
> is doing in an organisation that big; NTT seems to be for big
> business ($$) only; and Aarnet for educational institutions only.

Of these NTT does do IPv6 globally, that is they are connected
natively at least at AMS-IX, most parts of the US and Japan.

> does anyone who lives in a country similarly constrained have 
> any ideas about how to get things progressing?

What about harrassing^Wcontacting their sales department
and inquiring about the status? If I where living in that
country I would be on their necks ;)

You could also check and contact:

Which contains a list of 9 other sites apparently connected to the


PS: If you are able to find a australian ISP with a TLA who wants
to do tunnelbrokering but doesn't have the means to do so, you
can always point them to http://www.sixxs.net/pops/requirements/