[6bone] core ns registry database

Jeroen Massar jeroen@unfix.org
Tue, 1 Jul 2003 19:23:21 +0200

Todd T. Fries wrote:

> I called Network Solutions yesterday.  I have made an annual 
> event out of calling them and seeing how far I can prod them
> about how far they are with supporting the registration of
> IPv6 dns servers.

It is apparently possible, see below, but none of the registries
apparently want to cooperate in doing it. With the below in hand
I mailed around but just got told 'no it doesn't work' or even
'what is IPv6'...

Note that if can complain hard enough it is possible, some times:

whois -h whois.internic.net dot.ep.net

Whois Server Version 1.3

Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered
with many different competing registrars. Go to http://www.internic.net
for detailed information.

   Server Name: DOT.EP.NET
   IP Address:
   IP Address: 2001:478:6:0:230:48FF:FE22:6A29
   Whois Server: whois.networksolutions.com
   Referral URL: http://www.networksolutions.com

And what we all want (dig +trace dot.ep.net aaaa | tail):

dot.ep.net.             172800  IN      AAAA
ep.net.                 172800  IN      NS      dot.ep.net.
ep.net.                 172800  IN      NS      flag.ep.net.
;; Received 149 bytes from in 4 ms



From: Matt Larson <mlarson@verisign.com>
To: Jeroen Massar <jeroen@unfix.org>
Cc: "'Geo.'" <georger@getinfo.net>, nanog@merit.edu
Subject: Re: Root server error
Message-ID: <20030306181511.GW16021@chinook.rgy.netsol.com>
References: <20030227203321.GB31684@chinook.rgy.netsol.com>

Hi, Jeroen.

On Thu, 27 Feb 2003, Jeroen Massar wrote:
> Is it _finally_ possible then, to get a AAAA record as glue into
> the com/net/org zones?

Yes, since RRP 2.0 (the protocol used by ICANN-accredited registrars
to register com/net domains with VeriSign Global Registry Services)
was deployed in mid-May, 2002.  Since the registrars are the customers
of VeriSign GRS, we communicated this new feature to them directly and
not to the general public.  (Although researching this topic has made
it clear to me that we've got to get something about it on our web
site, which I'm working on.)  It appears that the registrars have not
widely publicized the availability of this feature.  Also, not all
registrars support registration of AAAA records.  For example, the
Network Solutions registrar does not, but PSI Japan and eNom do.
That's definitely not a complete list: those are the only registrars
that I have definitive information on.  The only way to know for sure
about your registrar is to ask them.

Please let me know if I can be answer any other questions or otherwise
help you out.

Kind regards,

Matt Larson <mlarson@verisign.com>
VeriSign Global Registry Services