[6bone] core ns registry database

Todd T. Fries todd@fries.net
Tue, 1 Jul 2003 08:05:15 -0500

I called Network Solutions yesterday.  I have made an annual event out of
calling them and seeing how far I can prod them about how far they are with
supporting the registration of IPv6 dns servers.

This time, I am actually surprised.  They have been playing with it, their
famed web management tool (ick, can we get the email templates back please?)
has an experimental feature 'not turned on yet' to allow registration of
IPv6 dns servers.

I was told to call 866-345-0330 and I had a pleasant conversation with someone
who told me the above, but also that they didn't dare 'enable' this feature
as the database for the core ns regististry (perhaps I'm using the wrong
terms here) .. is not capable of taking an IPv6 address.

I write here to ask if anyone knows anyone who knows anyone .. well you get
the picture .. if anyone can find out what is being done to correct the
current roadblock for this to happen?

I was told to try to find an email contact at


which redirects me to


And provides not alot of insight as to who to contact.

Am I barking up the right tree?

Todd Fries .. todd@fries.net

Free Daemon Consulting, LLC                    Land: 405-748-4596
http://FreeDaemonConsulting.com              Mobile: 405-203-6124
"..in support of free software solutions."

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(last updated 2003/03/13 07:14:10)