about IPv6 PPPoE

Joel Baker lucifer@lightbearer.com
Tue, 30 Apr 2002 22:36:07 -0600

On Tue, Apr 30, 2002 at 09:57:22PM -0400, Michael Richardson wrote:
> >>>>> "Joel" == Joel Baker <lucifer@lightbearer.com> writes:
> Joel> Bandwidth subscription rates typically go at *least* 20:1 for
> Joel> residential DSL; sometimes 30:1. This is not, actually, a problem
> Joel> for most situations, Joel> if combined with proper monitoring of
> Joel> the circuit and engineers who
>   *bandwidth* subscription rates are not as bad or relevant.

Indeed. Please note that I was not actually intending to enter into the
fray about what is right or proper for PVC oversubs or similar such;
only to provide information about where the number he quoted may have
come from.

The rest of the points made are salient, but elided, since I only wanted
to clarify the relevant of the point I was origionally making - IE, that
20:1 isn't necessarily unreasonable *if* it's bandwidth, rather than PVC,

The notion of oversubscribing PVC structures causes the engineer in me
to cry out in despair at the amount of things it utterly screws up.
Joel Baker                           System Administrator - lightbearer.com
lucifer@lightbearer.com              http://users.lightbearer.com/lucifer/