6bone agenda for Thursday lunchtime meeting in Minneapolis

Bob Fink fink@es.net
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 15:39:44 -0800

6bone Folk,

The 6bone meeting in Minneapolis will be during lunchtime Thursday from 
11:45am to 12:45pm, just after the IPv6wg meeting that ends at 11:30, using 
the same room. The current agenda is below.

The agenda is still open so please send me your suggestions.




pTLA restructuring and policy changes, Fink - 15-20 mins
<from email discussions on 6bone list>

"DFZ, pTLAs and the 6bone" - Michel Py, 10-15 mins
<slides to be posted before meeting>

"draft-savola-ipv6-127-prefixlen-01.txt", Pekka Savola - 5-10 mins
