pTLA request SSVL - review closes 3 May 2002

Pekka Savola
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 20:10:17 +0300 (EEST)

On Sat, 20 Apr 2002, Bjorn Pehrson wrote:
> SSVL is a research network, separate from the regular KTH network and 
> from Sunet.  SSVL is an AS of its own, multi-homed with international,  
> and even intercontinental,  peering. We should not be regarded as a 
> regular university facility.

This does surprise me: it was hard to believe an AS number was used for 
this.  So this is not a regular university facility.  Rather, more like a 
regular university's (or even facility's) independent testbed.

With these considerations, a /48 from SUNET might be justified.

(By the way, I think we have similar (but larger, not yet widely in IPv6
business) here at FUNET: -- they have their
ASN, IPv4 blocks, but will probably get, in time when they request it, a
/48 from us.)

> The reason why we apply for p/sTLA status is that we are sponsored with  
> research grants and a few dedicated physical links to do research on 
> issues regarding ipv6 network topology, scalability and interdomain 
> issues which cannot be studied experimentally unless you are active on 
> the TLA level.

Surely you realize that this does not seem to be a valid reason?  I 
believe there are thousands of researchers who would like to do something 
like that too..?

> Neither Sunet nor KTH has a pTLA assignment. Sunet do have an sTLA 
> assignment but is not yet operating and has not yet responded to our 
> question about when they will start operating.  

I believe you should try to pressure KTH (and KTHNOC :-): if a client
organization has a need for IPv6, I think SUNET is obliged to assign 
space.  When that is done, quite a lot would be possible, including those 
bi-lateral peerings.

Pekka Savola                 "Tell me of difficulties surmounted,
Netcore Oy                   not those you stumble over and fall"
Systems. Networks. Security.  -- Robert Jordan: A Crown of Swords