pTLA request SSVL - review closes 3 May 2002

Bjorn Pehrson
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 20:16:13 +0200


Yes, SSVL is an independent research network. I know of other such 
networks although it is fairly few, not thousands. Since 1996, it is 
used by several universities and non-academic organizations to do 
various types of research that are impossible or hard to do in regular 
networks. Due to the topology of the network, AS8973 was granted us in 
1998. Due to the nature of our experiments, we moved from KTH address 
space to in 2000, not to cause problems with aggregation.
Since some time, the focus has shifted towards ipv6 interchange and 
global  interdomain issues which require access to the TLA level. I do 
consider this a valid reason.
Sunet do provide addresses, altough they do not yet forward packets, 
but, as far as I know, they cannot provide a TLA-prefix for us.

Best regards

Pekka Savola wrote:

>On Sat, 20 Apr 2002, Bjorn Pehrson wrote:
>>SSVL is a research network, separate from the regular KTH network and 
>>from Sunet.  SSVL is an AS of its own, multi-homed with international,  
>>and even intercontinental,  peering. We should not be regarded as a 
>>regular university facility.
>This does surprise me: it was hard to believe an AS number was used for 
>this.  So this is not a regular university facility.  Rather, more like a 
>regular university's (or even facility's) independent testbed.
>With these considerations, a /48 from SUNET might be justified.
>(By the way, I think we have similar (but larger, not yet widely in IPv6
>business) here at FUNET: -- they have their
>ASN, IPv4 blocks, but will probably get, in time when they request it, a
>/48 from us.)
>>The reason why we apply for p/sTLA status is that we are sponsored with  
>>research grants and a few dedicated physical links to do research on 
>>issues regarding ipv6 network topology, scalability and interdomain 
>>issues which cannot be studied experimentally unless you are active on 
>>the TLA level.
>Surely you realize that this does not seem to be a valid reason?  I 
>believe there are thousands of researchers who would like to do something 
>like that too..?
>>Neither Sunet nor KTH has a pTLA assignment. Sunet do have an sTLA 
>>assignment but is not yet operating and has not yet responded to our 
>>question about when they will start operating.  
>I believe you should try to pressure KTH (and KTHNOC :-): if a client
>organization has a need for IPv6, I think SUNET is obliged to assign 
>space.  When that is done, quite a lot would be possible, including those 
>bi-lateral peerings.