draft minutes of IPv6 Ops Topics meeting at IETF46 in Wash DC

Bob Fink fink@es.net
Mon, 22 Nov 1999 09:02:09 -0800

6bone and ngtrans folk,

This is the first draft of the IPv6 Ops Topics meeting held during the noon 
break on Thursday at the IETF. This is an extension of the ngtrans/6bone 
activity to attempt to generalize our operational experience to include 
early production networks.

Please forgive my forgetting peoples names and scrambled events, but 
Thanksgiving preparations have made me forgetful (or was it old age?).

Anyway, please send me corrections, additions, etc.



IPv6 Operational Topics meeting
IETF46 in Wash DC
11 November 1999



Bob Fink <rlfink@lbl.gov>
Marc Blanchet <Marc.Blanchet@viagenie.qc.ca>

This ngtrans meeting reported by Marc Blanchet and Bob Fink.
Attendance was estimated as 75-100.

Bob Fink chaired the meeting.

This meeting is actually part of the ngtrans/6bone activity, but designed 
to focus a little more on general operational topics beyond just the 6bone, 
e.g., 6REN and other early production IPv6 nets, hence the title "IPv6 Ops 
Topics". Bob Fink asked attendees if they had any preference as to how this 
meeting be held in future IETFs. Matt Crawford suggested under the IEPG, to 
which Bob noted that he and Marc had given some IPv6 presentations at at 
this IETF, but was not sure this was the best time as there is limited 
attendance on Sundays.


Zombie routes in 6bone

Ikuo Nakagawa and Kunihiro Ishiguro spoke on the phenomenon they called 
Zombie routes, which are non-aggregated routes that happened to be 
announced from somewhere, but not actually the neighbor forwarding them, 
and they are not even in the ASpath.

The behavior is that the originator has announced once, but no more 
announce it, but someone propagates infinitely. It is most liekly a bug in 
some routing code. To fix one has to find which site and then find which 
code they run and then upgrade ASAP.

Marc Blanchet noted that we should not fingerpoint at people, rather we 
should try to collaborate, as we always have on the 6bone.

Francis Dupont pointed out the need to move to the latest BGP4+ draft.

Ivano Guardini commented that aggregration has to be fixed as it is 
currently very poor.

Rob Rockell commented that most problems can be fixed by filtering. He 
asked if we should do a draft on how to filter?

William Maton note that onecould use the registry and RPSL to help filtering.


6bone Registry

David Kessens noted that he was going to (or was it "able to") provide a 
web interface to help people filtering in config files.

Joan ? noted that the inet6num object is used by RIPE-NCC and APNIC, but 
not ARIN at this time.

David Kessens noted that a subgroup of db-rpsl works on the ipv6 features 
in the current registry. He will do a script to automatically fetch v6 
objects from RIR registries.

Alain Durand commented that if we provide tools for filtering, then people 
will be interested in updating their objects.

W. Wober commented that instead of throwing away problems by upgrading 
software, we should fix the problems.


WIDE IPv6 addressing architecture

?? presented an overview of the WIDE IPv6 addressing architecture.

The WIDE production subTLA (2001:200::/35) has been divided into 2 spaces:
   NLA1 divided at /31 for ISPs
   NLA2 divided at /48 for end-sites
   2001:200:0::/48 is used for the backbone

Use policies are:
   not for commerce
   do not connect to grand-children orgs
   must announce aggregated routes
   must report the status of IPv6 utilisation of each org
   must update registry database



Bob Fink noted that he had written the 6papa-00 I-D (under ngtrans) to 
formalize the RIR-6bone pre-qualification process. An updated version will 
follow soon which will be then sent to WG last call for forwarding to the 
IESG as an Informational RFC.

NSPIXP-6 v6 exchange in Japan

Akiro Kato gave an overview of the NSPIXP-6 IPv6 exchange in Japan.

  experimental purpose: route server, IX-based address
  single FE switch
  5 ISPs connected: 2 sTLAs, 2 NLA1s
  extensions via ATM/FE bridge, using ATM network via apan/transpac to 
startap, to Korea, Singapore and Malaysia

It was noted that there are v6-exchanges at:
  6tap, Chicago NAP/STAR TAP
  NSPIXP-6, Japan
  AMS-IX - Amsterdam/ND
  plans for New York/US, Palo Alto/US



Bob Fink briefly noted that the US Energy Research PingER (over IPv4) 
project lead by SLAC now supports IPv6. Ping statistics are gathered with 
extensive data basing, analysis and graphical display.

Bob asked people to send host addresses to be pinged, or ping sources, as 
had been previously announced on the 6bone list.
