Perry E. Metzger perry@piermont.com
17 Feb 1999 11:19:04 -0500

Jim Bound <bound@wasted.zk3.dec.com> writes:
> Renumbering is inherent in IPv6.  You don't own your IPv6 address you
> provider does.  When you change providers assume you will have to
> renumber.  Also assume if your an early adopter renumbering may take
> place like the 6REN.  Because we have built dynamic renumbering into the
> architecture of IPv6 (a bit more than window dressing again) this is not
> a problem and a way of life.
> Renumbering is not an interruption but a feature of IPv6.

It is a feature, but until we get more users dealing with regular
renumberings a lot of things (from BIND configuration files to router
filter lists) are going to be breaking. It is going to be a while
until all that gets straightened out. I'm not saying, you understand,
that it won't be dealt with -- just that at first it will not be as
smooth as it has to be later on if this is to be used regularly.

We might want to try running "fire drills" on renumbering in the
6bone in order to see what breaks and what gets to be too painful
without fixes if one renumbers regularly.
