[6bone] Ipv6 Enabled Web Site

Iljitsch van Beijnum iljitsch at muada.com
Mon Jul 19 01:16:10 PDT 2004

On 18-jul-04, at 23:21, Gav wrote:

> I can ping6 kame.net no problems
> I can tracert6 kame.net no problems. (11 Hops - wide.ad.jp using 4 
> hops ?)
> kame.net however still insists I am v4

It may be your browser. Remember that applications must also support 
IPv6. But you're using Windows, right? IE should automatically prefer 
IPv6 when you have it.

You can test if you have an IPv6-capable browser by going to 
http://www.ipv6.bgpexpert.com/ Since this FQDN doesn't have an IPv6 
address, either it won't load or it will load over IPv6. You can go to 
the same site without the "ipv6" part and look at the bottom (where you 
see the address you're using) to see if your browser also _prefers_ 

> can view www.ipv6.sixxs.net no problems,
> however it tells me my address 3ffe:bc0::8000::3c6a.sixxs.net does not 
> exist
> (authoritive answer). That being the case how I can access the site, 
> and why
> does it add on .sixxs.net onto the end ?

> The address 3ffe:bc0::8000::3c6a is on my Interface 2

That can't be right, as this isn't a valid IPv6 address: it has two 
"::" sequences in it. Only one is allowed. The sixxs scripts probably 
think this is a hostname and attach their domain to it to create an 
FQDN which of course doesn't exist. Or maybe this happens in the DNS.


BTW, Jeroen: coming to Ede next week?

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