[6bone] SixXS down?

Jeroen Massar jeroen at unfix.org
Thu Feb 26 15:57:04 PST 2004


Aykut wrote:

> I don't have ipv6 connectivity anymore since a few days. I'm a sixxs 
> user. Any traceroute6 doesn't get past my gateway ams-02.nl.sixxs.net.
> The website seems down too..

It only affected the IPng POP as is mentioned on the website.
Notez bien that you can always use the IPv4 address of the website
by using http://www.ipv4.sixxs.net/, the news page mentions the
outage and there where also some people on the Forum noticing it.
Which is not that weird with the amount of users that POP serves ;)

> My guess is that Jeroen Massar and Pim Van Pelt are on vacation and 
> can't do anything about it,

Nopes, neither me nor Pim are on vacation. I actually haven't been on
one since 10 years or something like that, at least I can't remember ;)
Also I am still personally a user of the IPng POP thus I noticed it
quite well and we have directly contacted the Intouch engineers
to resolve the issue, which they did quite swiftly when you know
the real reason why the routing was broken, just like the hardware.
You could also have tried to contact info at sixxs.net for this btw
as mentioned on the Forum and the contact pages.
As the SixXS website is completely independent from the POPs and
it has both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity as I have mentioned above...
Thus SMTP should be routed independently too.

> otherwise we are not used to this kind of outages.

Except for this and some other minor glitches that POP has been
running perfectly over the last couple of years. It does have
6bone space thus it will disappear one day ofcourse with advance
notice and a replacement in place ;)

Peter Bunclark wrote:
> Gosh, haven't seen this before:
> > traceroute gateway ams-02.nl.sixxs.net
> traceroute: "ams-02.nl.sixxs.net" bad value for packet length

The first option to your traceroute command is the hostname,
which you specified as 'gateway', the second is the packetlength
for which you specified a dns-label which doesn't have anything
else but SOA, TXT and NS records.


Version: Unfix PGP for Outlook Alpha 13 Int.
Comment: Jeroen Massar / http://unfix.org/~jeroen


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