[6bone] Re: reverse 6dns painful (was Re: reverse DNS consideredpointless)

Colin Faber cfaber at fpsn.net
Thu Feb 12 16:54:48 PST 2004

Jeroen Massar wrote:

>Chuck Yerkes wrote:
>>I gotta say, though, that it would be nice if BIND let you describe
>>a zone file is "this is a reverse for BLAH" and let you put the
>>address in FORWARD as we are used to seeing it:
This would be impractical as it would break the domain name format, 

>>and let the damn parser turn that into what named wants to see.
Reversing IPv6 in software is not that hard, Why couldn't it go the 
other way? Have the parser take the officially blessed format and turn 
it into your non-standard colon variation.

>>I've made enough typos doing reverse by hand and don't understand
>>why I'm doing it.
Don't do it by hand.

>>  (ok, now a perl script does it, but there's no
>>reason for me to even store it like that in a file).
>djbdns and PowerDNS (afaik) both do this already.
I disagree with with any popular DNS providing this feature as it 
promotes non-standard "standards" (think: Microsoft's active directory 

>This is a tool option, not a protocol thing.
>Next to that you might always be better of storing
>your hosts in a database and generating everything
>from that.
I agree with this =)

>PS: 2001:db8::/32 is a documentation prefix, which
>is also very handy in examples ;)
> Jeroen
>Version: Unfix PGP for Outlook Alpha 13 Int.
>Comment: Jeroen Massar / http://unfix.org/~jeroen
>6bone mailing list
>6bone at mailman.isi.edu

Colin Faber
FPSN.Net Development staff
email: cfaber at fpsn.net

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