[6bone] Eastcoast tunnelbrokers..

Haesu haesu@towardex.com
Sat, 6 Sep 2003 18:17:15 -0400

> #define large aka number of endsites, avg. traffic etc.
> Afaik any if not all of the TB's give out transit for free btw.

End sites are about 200 in total spread out throughout the country..
Bandwidth used however are very low as many of them mostly use ipv6 to try out
the addressing scheme, etc or what not.. Aggregate bandwidth pushed out to 
all TB's is total of only 300kbps to 1Mbps..

> If I where you, I would first get myself a TLA from ARIN.
> Then go to an IX where IPv6 is present or start doing native
> peerings with other ISP's. Currently most ISP's will give
> transit for free, thus that is a nobrainer.

This is already in the works, but will take a little bit of time.

> Apparently you give out /120's to endusers, how can they
> experiment correctly with such amount of space? The whole
> idea of IPv6 was that endsites get a *lot* of address space
> so that they autoconfigure anything on their network links
> ranging from their PC to their refridgerator to their PS2's
> and xboxes. Give your users /48's, that's the policy.

Wherever you got that from (I think you got it from our site), it's outdated.
We used to do /120 at first when we were just building up ipv6 network.
Now that we have enough users, automatic /64 assignment is current policy.


> But that is my personal opinion :)
> Greets,
>  Jeroen
> Version: Unfix PGP for Outlook Alpha 13 Int.
> Comment: Jeroen Massar / jeroen@unfix.org / http://unfix.org/~jeroen/
> iNyyHOBH1EGrNhjQiPDPj7Qj
> =hQD+

  Haesu C.
  TowardEX Technologies, Inc.
  WWW: http://www.towardex.com
  E-mail: haesu@towardex.com
  Cell: (978) 394-2867