[6bone] Is minimum allocation /64 now?

Jeroen Massar jeroen@unfix.org
Sat, 25 Oct 2003 17:02:08 +0200


Dan Reeder wrote:

> I'm not sure where things went awry but i've got this feeling 
> that I've been included in this "charge per ip" lameness.
> The problem is that, perhaps because some of us have had to 
> live under the strong arm of apnic, that the tendency to want to conserve 
> addressing is a bit of a habit.

APNIC is conservative because the APNIC members mandated that policy.

For IPv6 they are *NOT* conservative though, check the number
of TLA's that for instance NTT have received, yes a lot :)

> Personally whenever I see things like /48s being given to
> users left right and center I get reminded of the consequences of Stanford
> being given a v4 /8 way back in the early days.

Read the HD Ratio RFC and understand that statistically
we are doing the good thing. If it isn't the good thing
then we only wasted 3% (!!!!!) of the IPv6 space.
Where is this problem now?


> yes most of us will agree that a /48 being given to a 17 year 
> old for use on his 3-pc lan, but then why is a /64 acceptable?

A /64 is for a link, if a site has a possiblity of more than
1 link give them a /48. How difficult is that?


Version: Unfix PGP for Outlook Alpha 13 Int.
Comment: Jeroen Massar / jeroen@unfix.org / http://unfix.org/~jeroen/
