[6bone] Is minimum allocation /64 now?

Jeroen Massar jeroen@unfix.org
Sat, 25 Oct 2003 13:07:58 +0200


Haesu wrote:

> I understand the need to promote IPv6, and I understand the 
> whole point of IPv6 is to provide fullblown end-to-end 
> connectivity by having more than enough addresses everywhere..
> But a /48 for a home network?.. i dunno..
> I think /64 for a home network is far more than enough and reasonable.
> Likewise, we hand off /64's to endusers, for those who want 
> more, may be /60 or if requested, /48...

Funny administrativia you are going to do.
Also if they move from another ISP to yours they suddenly
are getting a much smaller block?

The global TLA allocation is done on the assumption that
you have 200 endsites under your TLA.

If you get a standard /32, you have 2^16 = 65535 /48's
If you need more, aka you run out, just request a bigger TLA.

> Feel free to correct me if my math is wrong but I believe /64 
> offs 18446744073709551616 addresses which is far more than 
> the entire space IPv4 technology itself can offer.

But you are calculating the wrong thing.
A link gets a /64, thus there is a possiblity that a endsite
(I am not talking users/homes here, these could be companies)
put up 64-48 -> 2^16 = 65535 subnets.

And in that subnet you can plug basically anything you like.
Indeed there are going to be a lot of IP's being unused.

> I wanna see a single home user who will actually *use* even 
> 50% of 18446744073709551616 addresses.

I do, as I got two subnets here:
2 * (2^64) = 36893488147419103232 IP's in use.

And I can plugin *any* apparatus in both my wired and
my wireless network and tadaaaaaa it WORKS, global connectivity!!!!!! :)

> Start assigning IP's to every object in your house... i.e. 
> fridge, watch, clock, cell phone, 3g, TV, playstation, 
> computers, lights, microwave, coffeemaker, toilet, etc etc, 
> etc et al. and I doubt even with all that, it comes close to 
> half of 18446744073709551616.

You are assuming IPv4 style addressing, don't think like that.
There are 65535 subnets per endsite.

You have to realize that in the future it might be that a
house gets totally routed, eg subnets for:
 - the kitchen
 - the living room
 - the first floor
 - the second floor
 - the toilet
 - the molly's room
 - the johnny's room
 - ...

Don't think in IPv4 style, preservative, allocation, please...

> Isn't assigning /48 to end users a bit over excessive you 
> think? Or is the whole point of IPv6 "Let's waste address 
> space until we run out it and panic later on.."?

Please read: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3194.html

If you feel the pain already... wow :)


Version: Unfix PGP for Outlook Alpha 13 Int.
Comment: Jeroen Massar / jeroen@unfix.org / http://unfix.org/~jeroen/
