[6bone] How to specify an IPv6 DNS server on the IPv6-only host

Mendel Mobach 6bone@megabot.nl
Wed, 12 Mar 2003 16:51:44 +0100

On Wednesday 12 March 2003 08:15, yjchui wrote:
> Hello:
>     Does anybody know that how to specify IPv6 DNS server on a IPv6-only
> host? (solaris/windows) I have tried to edit /etc/resolv.conf on solaris 8
> with adding one line:  "nameserver 3ffe:3600:8::1" But it seems not work!

I tested very much together with some other people but it looks that there is 
no real ipv6 support in the resolver libs. It supports looking up AAAA 
records and some more, but no native ipv6 nameserver support.

At my box I installed a bind server and I just use: nameserver (bind 
supports ipv6).

Kind Regards, 

Mendel Mobach
Mendel Mobach aka BugBlue - Mendel.Mobach@cwi.nl
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