[6bone] ntp/kame

Frederick Bruckman fredb@immanent.net
Fri, 10 Jan 2003 08:18:16 -0600 (CST)

On Fri, 10 Jan 2003, Abdul Basit wrote:

>  Has anyone checked out ntp ipv6 implementation?
> as far as i tested, none(ntp4.1rc1, ntp 4.1.72, 4.1.70,
> 4.1.0 (patched from viaganie patch) worked on kame/freebsd
> (snap 6'th jan).

I'm successfully using the ntp-dev-ipv6 bitkeeper checkout, on NetBSD
1.6K and 1.6_STABLE. As in the story of Ambrose Bierce's inventor, all
the details are solved, and only fundamental problems remain.

> viaganie patched ipv6 results in not IPV6_ONLY error
> and others do not recognize ipv6 address notion.

Why would you need to use ipv6 notation? Try ntp.ipv6.viagenie.qc.ca,
or you could try ntp.immanent.net (which is just a workstation synced
to some public servers).
