[6bone] notice of intent to reclaim unused pTLAs, comment period closes 17 January 2003

Pim van Pelt pim@ipng.nl
Sun, 5 Jan 2003 12:42:59 +0100

On Wed, Jan 01, 2003 at 06:29:25PM -0800, Bob Fink wrote:
| 6bone Folk,
| This is a notice of intent to reclaim pTLAs that have not been in use for 
| quite a while (at least several months). Please review the list below.
| These pTLAs will be returned to the pool, pending comments to me or the 
| list, at the end of two weeks. Please reply to me or the list prior to 
| close of business 17 January 2003.

Let me start by saying I commend you for taking measures to ensure the
continued use of pTLA allocations by former applicants. Thanks!

I do agree with Marc however that we should take caution and not return
pTLAs for others if they do not (adequately) read the 6bone mailinglist.

Allthough there's also something to say for simply revoking pTLAs if
there is no response on the 6bone mailinglist (and make it a
non-negotiatable and enforced rule).

As a last measure, after say 1 month of inactivity, may I suggest we
place a telephonecall to the ISP in question (contacts to be found via
the AS number or IPv4 route objects) to see if there's anybody left at
the site doing IPv6.

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Pim van Pelt                 Email: pim@ipng.nl
http://www.ipng.nl/             IPv6 Deployment