[6bone] RIPE Exchange Points

Daniel Austin Daniel Austin" <daniel@kewlio.net
Tue, 25 Feb 2003 14:27:51 -0000


Does anyone allow the RIPE exchange point blocks in their filters?

RIPE allocate all exchange points from their 2001:7f8::/32 block with a /48 to each exchange point as follows:

2001:7f8::/48 is DECIX, DE
2001:7f8:1::/48 is AMS-IX, NL
2001:7f8:2::/48 is UK6X, UK
2001:7f8:3::/48 is Xchangepoint, UK
2001:7f8:4::/48 is LINX, UK
2001:7f8:5::/48 is LIPEX exchange, UK
2001:7f8:6::/48 is BGIX, BG
2001:7f8:7::/48 is FICIX, FI
2001:7f8:8::/48 is BLNX, DE
2001:7f8:9::/48 is MANAP, UK
2001:7f8:a::/48 is GIGAPIX, PT
2001:7f8:b::/48 is MIX, IT
2001:7f8:c::/48 is CHTIX, CH
2001:7f8:d::/48 is NODIX, SE
2001:7f8:e::/48 is NDIX, NL
2001:7f8:f::/48 is ESPANIX, ES
2001:7f8:10::/48 is NAMEX6, IT
2001:7f8:11::/48 is LIX, LU
2001:7f8:12::/48 is NIX1/NIX2, NO
2001:7f8:13::/48 is NLSIX, NL
2001:7f8:14::/48 is NIX, CZ
2001:7f8:15::/48 is TIX, EE

I've just started a transit feed to LIPEX (2001:7f8:5::/48), but getting people to accept the prefix seems difficult!
I just wondered how many people's filters would accept this prefix?

With Thanks,

Daniel Austin,
Managing Director,
Kewlio.net Limited.