[6bone] Nothing is sacred...

Jeroen Massar jeroen@unfix.org
Fri, 1 Aug 2003 12:41:28 +0200

Ben Winslow wrote:

> I fixed IPv6 SMTP yesterday, only to discover the wonderful 
> droppings of a spammer with the audacity to operate over IPv6!
> I've posted the spammer's payload at
> http://themuffin.net/ipv6-spam/ipv6-spam-2001:0638:0500 and 
> reported it to Uni-Muenster, who'll hopefully bludgeon those
> responsible.  The
> source IP didn't change for any of the message attempts.
> I have to say, though, that this sits somewhere on the fine 
> line between 'sad' and 'ridiculous...'

No it's actually a good thing for IPv6.
If spammers think they can earn money with IPv6 then
apparently they think there is a market place for it.

Unfortunatly this wasn't just a IPv6 spam.
It's just a stupid open relay which was IPv6 enabled
and found out that your destination could talk IPv6 too.
If your box wasn't IPv6 enabled the spam would arrived
there by means of IPv4. Note the fake "NNFMP" line ;)
