[6bone] Re: RFC 2772 input from RIR space holder

Jan Oravec Jan Oravec <jan.oravec@6com.sk>
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 20:54:12 +0100

> > How would dual sites be handled? Would they count as "RIR" in this
> > respect, i.e. they must filter RIR space from peerings with other
> > 6bone (or dual) sites?
> I think that it depends on their own internal decision - they MUST at least
> filter the prefixes properly at peerings with other RIRs, they probably SHOULD
> filter them on the peerings with 6bone sites as they'd protect themselves.

6bone prefixes has nothing to do with it. There are just sites which have
RIR space and the other sites which do not have. This model works perfectly
even if site with RIR space advertises their 6bone prefix. So dual sites
should be treated as RIR site.


Jan Oravec                           XS26 coordinator
6COM s.r.o.                          'Access to IPv6'
http://www.6com.sk                   http://www.xs26.net