[6bone] RFC2772 rewrite -- bigger scope goals

Nicolas DEFFAYET nicolas.deffayet@ndsoftware.net
18 Nov 2002 00:02:56 +0100

On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 21:51, Jorgensen, Roger wrote:

> You have shown MANY times that you do not have any clue about
> how REAL network work, REAL as in real routing hardware and real
> links, NOT tunnels and a few BSD/linux boxes with zebra or whatever 
> you use.

Very funny from you: "real links, NOT tunnels".

>From your looking-glass (http://www.ipv6.aorta.net/cgi-bin/v6glass.cgi):

NL-AMS06D-RE1> show ipv6 tunnel 
Tun Route  LastInp  Packets Description
  0   -   00:00:03 19002640 AS8733 CHELLO.BE be-bru-ri-01
  2   -   00:00:04  1180607 AS8209 CHELLO.NL IPV6 sicks.chello.nl
  3   -   00:00:07 231320930 AS65470 AORTA-NO IPV6
  4   -   00:00:20 14903986 AS65430 AORTA-AT IPV6
  9   -   00:00:43 20176084 AS65530 AORTA-US us-nyc02a-re1
 22   -   00:00:07 149907180 AS65460 AORTA-SE IPV6
 28   -   00:00:00 160352479 AS6830 CHELLO.DE IPV6 de-fra-ri-01

Very nice, your network have only tunnels ? You don't have REAL links
beetween your routers ?

Why you don't go to AMS-IX ? NL-AMS06D-RE1 is not on a AMS-IX POP ?
If you go to AMS-IX, you can peer natively (without tunnels) with this

 11   -   00:00:17   134364 AS3265 xs4all
 14   -   00:00:35  1510577 AS8954 IPng
 15   -   00:00:02 57960912 AS25336 XS26
 16   -   00:00:56   794761 AS1890 UU.NET NL/EU
 30   -   00:00:14   152919 AS1200 AMSIX AIAD
 48   -   00:00:08   132504 AS1103 SURFnet

It's easy to criticize tunneling and don't try to have a maximum of
native peers.

> a few BSD/linux boxes with zebra or whatever you use

I'm sorry but a lot of ISP use PC box with Zebra in production.
There is not differences when you peer with a Zebra, a Cisco, or a

Go to http://www.wide.ad.jp/nspixp6/peering-status.html, you will see
that a lot of ISP use PC box with Zebra.

IIJ (sTLA/pTLA): NetBSD 1.5.1 w/ zebra
WIDE (sTLA): NetBSD-1.5.1 w/ zebra / GR2000
STCN (sTLA): FreeBSD4.5/zebra0.92a
FBDC (sTLA/pTLA): FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE / zebra-0.91a

Best Regards,

Nicolas DEFFAYET, NDSoftware
NOC Website: http://noc.ndsoftwarenet.com/
FNIX6: http://www.fnix6.net/