[6bone] AAAA and A6 recent status?

Todd T. Fries todd@fries.net
Tue, 21 May 2002 09:15:07 -0500

Just beware that anything but recent dns servers cannot secondary domains
that use A6 or DNAME records.

Personally, I've used m4 to generate my dns zone for fries.net, and have
two 'versions'... one with and one without DNAME's and A6's .. I've not used
the A6/DNAME version in a while, I just hope future bind's try to lookup
AAAA by default instead of A6 (you can do 'host -n 3ffe:..' but that is not
default behavior) .. I do not believe any of my secondaries outside my
local network can transfer zones containing A6/DNAME records, so I can
setup two views, one for older slave servers, and one for 'the rest of the
world' .. not that I am right now, but I certainly could if need be.

Just thought I'd share my headaches with regards to A6 ..
Todd Fries .. todd@fries.net

(last updated $ToddFries: signature.p,v 1.2 2002/03/19 15:10:18 todd Exp $)

Penned by Michael W. Oliver on Tue, May 21, 2002 at 09:04:01AM -0400, we have:
| Folks,
| Is there any negative effect of using both A6 and AAAA records?  Most of
| the hosts on my small network are dual-stack, and I have configured BIND
| with A6, AAAA, and A records for each of them.  Is this bad practice in
| anyone's opinion?
| Thanks in advance for your insight.
| Regards,
| Michael Oliver
| -----Original Message-----
| From: Xavier Roche [mailto:rocheml@httrack.com] 
| Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 1:38 AM
| To: 6bone@ISI.EDU
| Subject: Re: [6bone] AAAA and A6 recent status? 
| >>That's just a draft RFC, someone's opinion, currently not accepted
| >>by anything.   It doesn't even have working group consensus, let alone
| >>(Which isn't to say that A6 has WG consensus either, of course).
| Any chance for this document to become more 'official' (with big quotes)
| ? AAAA/A6 confusion is really a nuisance, and is slowing down a little
| more many v6 migrations
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