w2k & ipv6 - need help

Pim van Pelt pim@ipng.nl
Tue, 26 Mar 2002 08:19:15 +0100

| > Actually, I'm a bit interested in this myself--I can't find any means to
| > apply an IPv6-capable stack onto the Win2k box here because the latest
| > package I could find won't install on SP2.
| Oh, you can, you just have to fiddle with a .inf file or something, and
| convince it to look for a higher windows version. There actually
| *are* instructions how to do it somewhere on MSR site. 
Jeroen Massar <jeroen@ipng.nl> has prepared an SP2-IE6 release of the
IPv6 stack from the Microsoft engineers.

It can be downloaded from : http://www.ipng.nl/tpipv6-001205-SP2-IE6.zip

This runs fine on any Win2k SP2 box.

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Pim van Pelt                 Email: pim@ipng.nl
http://www.ipng.nl/             IPv6 Deployment