[6bone] Re: Got one IPV6 address from Freenet6 but not working.

Todd T. Fries todd@fries.net
Mon, 17 Jun 2002 10:10:25 -0500

Fwiw, itojun has recently found a problem with kdelibs that disabled
getaddrinfo for most systems due to an absent memset in the configure
script.  Currently, this is fixed in the OpenBSD ports tree and the current
cvs repository, but unfortunately not before 3.0.1 went out.

Todd Fries .. todd@fries.net

(last updated $ToddFries: signature.p,v 1.2 2002/03/19 15:10:18 todd Exp $)

Penned by Paul Aitken on Sat, May 04, 2002 at 03:39:47PM +0100, we have:
| Tapas,
| >I have got a IPV6 address from Freenet6. I can also ping to few of the
| >IPV6 address, but when I goto www.kame.net i don't see the dancing
| >turtle also at the end of the page it says "you are using IPv4",can
| >somebody explain me why is this happening.
| Most likely your DNS is resolving www.kame.net into an IPv4 address. Use 
| a browser that supports IPv6 and a DNS server that supports AAAA records.
| Cheers.
| -- 
| Paul Aitken
| IPv6 Development, Cisco Systems Ltd, Edinburgh, Scotland. EH6 6LX