[6bone] semi-newbie Q on IPv6 address planning

Philip Smith pfs@cisco.com
Thu, 01 Aug 2002 08:33:09 +1000

At 23:18 31/07/2002 +0100, Tim Chown wrote:

>Under the old /35 regime, a /29 was actually reserved for you to grow
>into, for aggregation sake.   Is the /32 still growable to an aggregated
>/29 now, or /26, or what?

The reserved /29 is no more. So if you got a /35 under the old scheme, you 
can grow it to a /32 (as many folks are doing now) on application to the 
RIR. When you require more address space after the initial /32, you return 
to the registries. Pretty much as we do in IPv4-land...

describes the IPv6 address assignment and allocation policy of the three 
registries... So what's gone before is no more, afaik.
