[6bone] semi-newbie Q on IPv6 address planning

Francis Dupont Francis.Dupont@enst-bretagne.fr
Wed, 31 Jul 2002 18:35:59 +0200

 In your previous mail you wrote:

   >>  And what is a /126 allocation for a point-to-point link?
   >Not good, it violates RFC2373.
=> if the first three bits of an unicast address are not 000 then
the interface ID has 64 bits, etc.

   >  You should use a /64 for point-to-point links.
=> same, and this is true for any link which doesn't use a special
format for unicast addresses (i.e., for any physical link at least!)

   >  It is typical to allocate a /48 for your ptp links.
   It is convenient, yes.
=> for the set of p2p links (not a /48 for each :-).



PS: the equivalent of "unnumbered" p2p links is p2p links with only
link-local addresses. They use of course no global addresses.
Look at the Itojun's draft about dialup access for p2p links out of
the backbone (where global addressing is necessary for easy management).