[6bone] 2001:478:: as /48

John Fraizer tvo@ENTERZONE.NET
Sun, 21 Jul 2002 20:09:56 -0400 (EDT)

On 21 Jul 2002, Robert Kiessling wrote:

> John Fraizer <tvo@ENTERZONE.NET> writes:
> > Bill was just notifying us that we SHOULD accept the prefixes as
> > un-aggregated, not that they were in the wild yet, unaggregated.
> No, he did not. He said we cannot expect to see an aggregate, but that
> does *not* mean that we should accept /48's and /64's.
> At least in RIPE region those prefixes are given out with the explicit
> warning that they might not be routable. And in fact, for the specific
> purposes like exchange point meshes, they don't need to be announced
> at all.
> Please don't try to create "PI" space by suggesting that those
> prefixes should be accepted.
> Robert

OK.  This brings about the same implications as in IPv4 space.  If you
want traceroutes through exchange [x] to work without having at least ONE
hop that has "* * *" for a return, you will accept the prefix and route it

Perhaps you didn't read that into it.  I did.  I agree that unless you
participate in exchange {x}, it is not important for you to accept these
routes or send them to your customers.

I seriously don't see the big deal with accepting de-aggregated space from
don't understand is why folks are leaking /48's /64's and for that matter,
even /127's into the global IPv6 routing table.

People: We're the TESTBED *AND (some of us)* the *PRODUCTION* IPv6
backbone.  Set the example.  Don't accept garbage from your downstreams
and if you MUST do so, at minumum, don't send it to your other peers.

I know that this must look hypocrytical of me since I begged everyone to
accept 3ffe:1ced:32 deaggregates from 3ffe:1c00/24.  I only requested so
(and still do) because MERIT had not, and still had NOT responded to my
requests to update our tunnel configuration.  Without the tunnel in place
to MERIT, our downstream (6bone addressed) customers (6bone addressed
folks are NOT billed just so noone starts a war here) are dead unless
other pTLA's accept 3ffe:1ced::/32 deaggregated from 3ffe:1c00::/24.

I volunteer to fix this.

I submit that if in the next week, MERIT does not respond to my multiple
requests for action on their part, we all accept what I have been informed
of (by persons who requested to remain anonymous for political
reasons) being MERIT has abandoned their 6bone project.

In such event, EnterZone volunteers to take over the 3ffe:1c00::/24 space
and will move all downstream tunnels to our routers.

At the same time, I call one EVERY OTHER participant in the 6bone to take
a look at what prefixes you are originating.  If it's not aggregated, and
you don't have extenuating circumstances, as noted above, I suggest that
you AGGREGATE NOW!  Otherwise, you'll be listed in my weekly "These folks
are not aggregating, lets beat them about the head and shoulders
until they do" list that I'm goint to start posting to the list.  We have
a chance with IPv6 to set the standard BEFORE things get out of hand.  Let
us take advantage of it!

John Fraizer              | High-Security Datacenter Services |
EnterZone, Inc            | Dedicated circuits 64k - 155M OC3 |
http://www.enterzone.net/ | Virtual, Dedicated, Colocation    |