bogus route: 2001::/16
Mon, 21 Jan 2002 08:55:32 +0900

>| > It's 1103 and this is us, surfnet. I contacted Itojun offline because
>| > we are not announcing the prefix to 3274. We also do not see 2001::/16
>| > in our routing table. We don't see the route, Itojun still does. Could
>| > the other ASes in the path below have a check? I suspect it is a buggy
>| > BGP implementation somewhere which is holding the route.
>| We do not see 2001::/16 in our routing tables here at LavaNet, ASN 6435.
>There's nothing on the Zebra 0.91a at AS8954 either (INTOUCH-NL).
>Is this a wild goose chase or is the 2001::/16 route actually still out
>there ?

	it seems that it has gone, finally (seen from AS2497 and AS2500).
