[6bone] free transit
Jeroen Massar
Tue, 3 Dec 2002 15:57:18 +0100
Hans Goes wrote:
> Hi,
> While we are moving from our old router (in AS1890) to our
> new router (in
> AS12702) we also limit the amount of prefixes we receive of our peers.
> But..... Why is almost every peer giving free transit to everyone ?
> Most peers of us give us more than 300 prefixes. I don't get this.
That's the way of the 6bone. RIR space doesn't have this problem that
And that 300 number are all the prefixes currently in the routing table
> If we want to move on with ipv6 everyone needs to check their
> access-lists/prefix-lists to limit this.
You are probably peering with all the other TLA's and they, like you,
want connectivity to the rest of the IPv6 internet as there are only
a few real transit-only providers most people chose to do free transit
and indeed this is not a good thing.
> We already shutdown our far away peers to south-america
> because they don't make sense. I guess everyone must think about this.
> South-America peers can connect to America providers instead
> of Europe...
Indeed, unless you have a big worldwide IPv6 network like some lucky
people have.
You might want to check up on: