[6bone] 2001:470::/35 ghost routes.

Wim Biemolt Wim.Biemolt@surfnet.nl
Wed, 14 Aug 2002 23:33:40 +0200

==> From: Jeff Barrow

> Try this patch... and in the cfg file, add
> 	login_user => 'username',
> to the $::Routers entry for hosts that need a username.
> I don't have any routers that need usernames to test this with, so
> feedback is welcome. :)

Thanks for the patch. Tried it, but it didn't work. However using your
patch I was able to get it to work. While looking at the man page of
Net::Telnet I noticed there was the login command. Using that instead
of cmd did the trick for me. So I now have the following (4.2.1 Beta):

  $t->open ($server);
  if (defined $login_user) {
        $t->login ($login_user, $login_pass);
  else {
        $t->cmd ($login_pass);

> Can't help you on the fastping tho; it never did compile on my Slackware
> 7.0 box either; I just configured it to use the normal system /bin/ping
> instead.  Doesn't seem to hurt anything.

Will give it I try. Already though it wasn't a crucial part for the lg.

> btw, great program, John!

What would be even cooler (for me at least) is the following. Starting
with IOS 12.0(22)S we have ssh support over IPv6. And you can supply a
simple command. Just tested it, and it seems to work fine. So you could
replace the Net::Telnet by open (ROUTER, "ssh my-router somecommand");

-Wim -/- SURFnet