[6bone] peering

Michel Py michel@arneill-py.sacramento.ca.us
Fri, 9 Aug 2002 21:06:59 -0700

> John Fraizier wrote:
> Well, yes.  I could use a peer-group and use the route-map
> [blah] in statement as part of the peer-group.  I choose to
> use a seperate route-map for each peer so we can do traffic
> engineering.  Some peers are weighted differently than others.
>  I'll also pref some as-paths (up/downstream of a peer)
> differently.  For example, you can reach C via both A and B
> but, the actual goodput is much better via B.  I use the peer
> specific route-maps to pref B_C over(or under as the case may
> be - I generally depref bad routes vs adding to the localprefs
> value of good ones) A_C.  Do you see the reasoning behind the
> individual route-maps?

I do, I do the same myself. I was just trying to probe if someone had
found a config that achieved all of the three criteria below....

> I know it's a pain in the behind in some ways to do things
> like this. I have learned though:
> Right Way
> Easy Way
> Best way for the long run
> Pick any two...

