[6bone] In the summer time, we got cleaning to do... Where is UUNET?

Michel Py michel@arneill-py.sacramento.ca.us
Fri, 2 Aug 2002 08:47:57 -0700


> John Fraizier wrote:
> (We'll use your peering session as an example Michel)
> Any comments appreciated.

- I am happy to see the addition of "set community no-export additive".

- I think you should drop seq 20 2000::/3 ge 16 le 16

- As someone else mentioned, the "subTLA-only" name might not be

- There is overlap in the following two lines:
neighbor 3ffe:1ced:ff02::2 prefix-list AS-ARNEILLPY in
neighbor 3ffe:1ced:ff02::2 route-map AS-ARNEILLPY in
The prefix-list is useless as the route-map uses it IMHO.

This is the way I would have done it, comments welcomed.

router bgp 13944
 neighbor 3ffe:1ced:ff02::2 remote-as 23169
 neighbor 3ffe:1ced:ff02::2 description ARNEILLPY
 no neighbor 3ffe:1ced:ff02::2 activate
 address-family ipv6
 neighbor 3ffe:1ced:ff02::2 activate
 neighbor 3ffe:1ced:ff02::2 next-hop-self
 neighbor 3ffe:1ced:ff02::2 route-map AS-ARNEILLPY-IN in
 neighbor 3ffe:1ced:ff02::2 route-map AS-ARNEILLPY-OUT out
ipv6 prefix-list AS-ARNEILLPY seq 5 permit 3ffe:1ced:a002::/48
ipv6 prefix-list MYPREFIX seq 5 permit 3ffe:1ced::/32
ipv6 prefix-list STRICT seq 5 permit 3ffe::/18 ge 24 le 24
ipv6 prefix-list STRICT seq 10 permit 3ffe:4000::/18 ge 32 le 32
ipv6 prefix-list STRICT seq 15 permit 3ffe:8000::/20 ge 28 le 28
ipv6 prefix-list STRICT seq 20 permit 2001::/16 ge 29 le 35
ipv6 prefix-list STRICT seq 500 deny any
ipv6 prefix-list SIXTOFOUR seq 5 permit 2002::/16
route-map AS-ARNEILLPY-IN deny 10
 description deny the peer feeding me my own prefix
 match ipv6 address prefix-list MYPREFIX
route-map AS-ARNEILLPY-IN permit 20
 description generic filter
 match ipv6 address prefix-list STRICT
route-map AS-ARNEILLPY-IN permit 30
 description accept other prefixes, don't redistribute
 match ipv6 address prefix-list AS-ARNEILLPY
 set community no-export additive
route-map AS-ARNEILLPY-OUT permit 10
 description generic filter
 match ipv6 address prefix-list STRICT
route-map AS-ARNEILLPY-OUT permit 20
 description feed _my_ 6to4 route only to the peer
 match ipv6 address prefix-list SIXTOFOUR
 match ** whatever condition that says the 6to4 route is yours **
 set community no-export additive
