[6bone] In the summer time, we got cleaning to do... Where is UUNET?
Jeroen Massar
Thu, 1 Aug 2002 13:44:23 +0200
It's thursday again, so on with the Summer Cleaning,
the rain is pouring down here luckily so that should wash some thing
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This report is for 07/31/02, peering with
VIAGENIE (AS10566) UUNET-US (AS12199) CICNET (AS1225) (AS13676)
(AS4538) SPRINT (AS6175) STEALTH (AS8002) INTEC (AS9612)
Size of 6Bone Routing Table:
Max = 292, Min = 283, Average = 290
117 pTLAs (in 3ffe::/16), 134 sTLAs (in 2001::/16)
220 Unique Autonomous System (AS) numbers
BGP4+ Traffic Summary:
Announcements = 4717 Withdraws = 1091 Unique Routes = 306
Poorly Aggregated Announcements (>24 in 3ffe:0000::/18 or >28 in
3ffe:8000::/17 or >32 in 3ffe:4000::/18 or >35 in 2001::/16):
Format: Prefix path AS-Path (Origin-AS -- Availability)
asterisk(*) means the route is within its pTLA
UUNET-US (AS12199) announced 22 route(s)
3ffe:28ff:ffff:4::103/127 path 12199 (UUNET-US -- 58%)
3ffe:28ff:ffff:4::100/127 path 12199 (UUNET-US -- 58%)
3ffe:28ff:ffff:4::101/127 path 12199 (UUNET-US -- 100%)
3ffe:28ff:ffff:4::102/127 path 12199 (UUNET-US -- 100%)
* 3ffe:8090:7f00:1::1:0/112 path 12199 (UUNET-US -- 100%)
* 3ffe:8090:7f00:1::2:0/112 path 12199 (UUNET-US -- 100%)
3ffe:3800::10:0/112 path 12199 (UUNET-US -- 100%)
3ffe:3800::13:0/112 path 12199 (UUNET-US -- 100%)
* 3ffe:8090:4800:cfff::b:0/112 path 12199 (UUNET-US -- 100%)
* 3ffe:8090:4800:4fff::2:0/112 path 12199 (UUNET-US -- 100%)
* 3ffe:8090:48fc:10::1:0/112 path 12199 (UUNET-US -- 100%)
* 3ffe:8090:4800:cfff::9:0/112 path 12199 (UUNET-US -- 100%)
3ffe:3800::11:0/112 path 12199 (UUNET-US -- 100%)
3ffe:3800::12:0/112 path 12199 (UUNET-US -- 100%)
* 3ffe:8090:4800:cfff::7:0/112 path 12199 (UUNET-US -- 100%)
* 3ffe:8090:4800:cfff::3:0/112 path 12199 (UUNET-US -- 100%)
* 3ffe:8090:4800:cfff::1:0/112 path 12199 (UUNET-US -- 100%)
* 3ffe:8090:4800:c005::/64 path 12199 (UUNET-US -- 100%)
* 3ffe:8090:4800:4e20::/64 path 12199 (UUNET-US -- 100%)
* 3ffe:8090:4800:c000::/64 path 12199 (UUNET-US -- 100%)
* 3ffe:8090:4800:ce50::/60 path 12199 (UUNET-US -- 100%)
* 3ffe:8090:4800:ce10::/60 path 12199 (UUNET-US -- 100%)
Hello, Earth to UUNET... anybody there?
/127, /112, /64, /60... great guys, now back to the aggregation school.
They account for the first 5 CC's.
CERNET (AS4538) announced 3 route(s)
3ffe:80b0:100::/48 path 4538 13226 (STBEN-BE -- 100%)
3ffe:1200:3028::/48 path 4538 6939 (LJOSA/HURRICANE -- 100%)
3ffe:2b00:1003::/48 path 4538 15180 (DIVEO-BR -- 99%)
CHELLO (AS6830) announced 2 route(s)
3ffe:8034::/34 path 12199 145 4554 5609 6830 1853 (COSY -- 13%)
3ffe:82bf::/32 path 12199 145 4554 6939 6830 24643 (NEXTGEN-LAB --
That's better, but still no cigar:
inet6num: 3FFE:8030::/28
netname: QTPVSIX
descr: pTLA delegation for the 6bone
country: DK
inet6num: 3FFE:82B0::/28
descr: WebOnline AS
country: NO
INR (AS2895) announced 2 route(s)
* 3ffe:2406::/32 path 12199 145 11537 786 109 109 2895 20515 ( -- 93%)
* 3ffe:240b::/32 path 12199 145 11537 786 109 109 2895 13032 (KUN-6 --
inet6num: 3FFE:2400::/24
netname: INR
descr: pTLA delegation for the 6bone
One could aggregate those _easily_, they are even from your own block,
no excuse.
UUNET-NL (AS1890) announced 1 route(s)
2001:600:8::/48 path 4538 1890 (UUNET-NL -- 99%)
UUNet from the Netherlands, naughty... CC'd.
ISI-LAP (AS4554) announced 1 route(s)
3ffe:2c03::/32 path 12199 145 4554 6939 2012
JI/PR -- 85%)
Nice long path we got there...
inet6num: 3FFE:2C00::/24
netname: BT-LABS
descr: pTLA delegation for the 6bone
country: GB
No cigar either
ENTERZONE (AS13944) announced 1 route(s)
* 3ffe:1ced::/32 path 12199 145 4554 13944 (ENTERZONE -- 93%)
At least we know the reason of this one.
ASNET (AS9264) announced 1 route(s)
3ffe:3600:18::/48 path 3263 1275 5623 786 109 109 4618 9264 (ASNET
-- 99%)
inet6num: 3FFE:3600::/24
netname: CHTTL-TW
descr: pTLA delegation for the 6bone
country: TW
Thou shalt not spam thou /48's to me.
SPACENET-DE (AS5539) announced 1 route(s)
3ffe:2640::/32 path 12199 145 4554 5539 3561 790 6793 (TELIAFI --
FUNET (AS1741) announced 1 route(s)
3ffe:2620::/32 path 12199 145 4554 5539 3561 790 1741 (FUNET -- 93%)
inet6num: 3FFE:2600::/24
netname: SMS
descr: pTLA delegation for the 6bone
country: FI
These should be a /24...
JOIN (AS1275) announced 1 route(s)
3ffe:2100:1:17::/64 path 4538 1275 (JOIN -- 97%)
inet6num: 3FFE:2100::/24
netname: JANET
descr: pTLA delegation for the 6bone
country: GB
Leaking JANET routes....
I think there was some less disturbance in the force than last week
which is good.
The thing that's not good is the fact that UUNET didn't even reply, so
more CC:'s for them.
Next week, when they won't reply, I'll start the daily campaign just for
them ;)
Just to make sure everybody gets it again:
3ffe::/18 ge 24 le 24
3ffe:4000::/18 ge 32 le 32
3ffe:8000::/20 ge 28 le 28
2000::/3 ge 16 le 16
2001::/16 ge 29 le 35
2002::/16 ge 16 le 48
or as seen on 6bone.net:
3ffe:0000::/24 thru 3ffe:3f00::/24 /24
3ffe:4000::/32 thru 3ffe:7fff::/32 /32
3ffe:8000::/24 thru 3ffe:83f0::/24 /28
3ffe:8400::/32 thru 3ffe:ffff::/32 can be filtered
out completely as it will be unassigned for a long time to come.
RIR space (2001::/16) will become /32 only in the long run.
IPv6 - Just keep it clean, filter.