"Bad Request" while access web server with IPv6 address

Paul Aitken paitken@cisco.com
Fri, 16 Nov 2001 11:17:20 +0000

killyeon kim wrote:
> I have an IPv6 dns server. I registered the IPv6 www
> server in the forward zone. And the web server works
> well when I use the web server's v6 domain name.
> But I really hope to know why I've got an error
> message when I access the server with IPv6 address
> like http://[3ffe:2e01:2:1::2]
> If someone solve this problem, please give me the
> answer.
> Thanks in advance.

It'd help if you told us which web browser you are using? ;)

For example, if you're using Internet Explorer on Windows XP, go here:

Near the end there's this question:

"Q. How can I force IPv6 connections using my Web browser?"

Part of the answer is:

"URLs that use the format for literal IPv6 addresses described in RFC
2732, "Format for Literal IPv6 Addresses in URLs" are not supported by
the version of Internet Explorer provided with Windows XP."

If your browser doesn't support RFC 2732, you'll have to map all your
server names in DNS. Is that so hard?
Paul Aitken
IPv6 Development, Cisco Systems Ltd, Edinburgh, Scotland. EH6 6LX