Bob Fink
Wed, 02 May 2001 10:26:40 -0700


At 01:02 PM 5/2/2001 -0400, Robert J. Rockell wrote:
>->Unfortunately this is not an easy task and
>->getting pTLA's to host you is not too easy either.
>Isn't this an implied reason to grant pTLA status to an organization?  If
>this is true, I would like to see pTLA status revoked for those who want
>address space, but don't do any ipv6 work...

There is not a requirement for a pTLA to grant tunnel access to whomever 
wants it. Many pTLA's are in the business of supporting their own user 
community (my network, ESnet, is one), hence the requirement for becoming a 
pTLA that you have some user community to serve.

I don't really know of any pTLA that doesn't do any IPv6 work. There are 
certainly sites that once active in v6 have gone dormant. Some have even 
turned their pTLA in voluntarily.

>How to quantify, however, is another story....

Certainly true. From the 6bone intro:

"The initial 6bone focus was on testing of standards and implementations, 
while the current focus is more on testing of transition and operational 

Unstated here, but important as well, is that we encourage networks and 
sites to get early experience with IPv6. Becoming too sticky about all this 
isn't going to encourage people to join the 6bone.

>I will give tunnels to any and all comers (your ping time should be under a
>second). is the v4 endpoint.


