IPv6 tcpblast (with tons of options)

Rafal Maszkowski rzm@icm.edu.pl
Thu, 4 Jan 2001 15:33:18 +0100

I am maintaining a tcpblast variation based on FreeBSD version from 1996.
Recently I added IPv6 support, also in included (but not in RPM) standalone
discard program. There is also a lot of options added since I started hacking
original version, recently packet size setting.



for source, Linux (S)RPMs and binaries for some other Unix systems.

to get announcements:

echo subscribe tcpblast | mail majordomo@sunsite.icm.edu.pl

Usage: tcpblast [options] destination[:port]

tcpblast/udpblast is a simple tool for probing network and estimating its
throughput. By default it sends 300 blocks (1024 bytes each) of data to
specified destination host.
Destination can be name or address, IPv4 or IPv6. When IPv6 address is specified
with port it should look like: '[3ffe:8010::1]:9' (with single quotes to prevent
shell expansion of []).

-4, --ipv4           use only ipv4 address
-6, --ipv6           use only ipv6 address
-a                   send random data
-b BUF_SIZE          socket buf size (default: -1 == don't change), with `-' to
                       be substracted from results
-c, --count BLOCKS   change default (300) number of blocks, range: 1..10000000
-d DOTFREQ           print dot every DOTFREQ blocks, disables cont. speed disp. 
-h, --help           this help
-i, --delay DELAY    write delay in microseconds (EXPERIMENTAL)
-l, --last BLKS      show also speed for last BLKS blocks
-m                   results for every block in separate line
-n, --nwrite         do not write, use e.g. with chargen port
-o                   switch from continuous speed displaying to dots printing
-p PORT              bind this local PORT
-q --quiet           show only final statistics
-r, --read           read data returned to us, switches default port to echo
-R, --rate RATESPEC  limit the speed according to the RATESPEC
-s BLOCK_SIZE        block size (default 1024 bytes)
-t MAXTIME           limit time to MAXTIME (up to 42950 h)
    --tcp            use TCP (default)
    --udp            use UDP (default if named udpblast)
-v, --verbosity      verbosity, default 0, maximum 3. -v adds time display, -vv
                       also speed in B/s, -v - speed in b/s.
-V, --version        version
-x, --maxseg SIZE    setting packet SIZE using TCP_MAXSEG
destination          host name or address
port                 use port #/name xyz instead of default port 9

RATESPEC             RATE[,TIME][:RATE[,TIME]]...
RATE                 generating data at RATE speed in B/s
TIME                 for TIME seconds (can be floating point number), last can
                       be omitted and that time will be infinite

Options -b, -c, -R, -s and -t can use case insensitive unit multipliers and
  size (bytes):
    -b and -s argument without units is in bytes, can use [{k,m,g}]b (lower
    or upper case) for KB, MB or GB. {k,m,g} are powers of 1024.
    -c argument is just a number, can have k, m or g added (powers of 1024),
    no unit needed
  rate (bytes pes second):
    -R RATE is in B/s or Bps, the postfixes can be [{k,m,g}]{b/s,bps}
  time (seconds):
    -t and -R TIME argument is in seconds, can be postfixed with

  tcpblast -b 4KB -c 10k -R 10KBps,2:20kbps,3s target

tcpblast version: FreeBSD + rzm 20010104

The README file contains examples of use.

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