pTLA request for MICROSOFT - review closes 2 January 2002m

Rik van Riel
Tue, 18 Dec 2001 18:57:53 -0200 (BRST)

On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, Robert J. Rockell wrote:

> ->The fact that 2003::/16 got announced not two weeks ago
> ->makes me somewhat suspicious, too.

> The fact that it got announced is not as big of an issue as the fact
> that people on the 6bone saw the announcement, which means that no one
> has sufficient filtering policy in place...  So we need to blame the
> 6bone community, not microsoft,

Ummm, isn't it _their_ responsability as well to make sure
they don't announce invalid prefixes to the 6bone ?

I know it's easy to blame bad filtering on "the rest of
the world", but never forget that the rest of the world
starts with yourself.


DMCA, SSSCA, W3C?  Who cares?