Bob Fink
Mon, 14 Feb 2000 08:12:30 -0800
At 10:39 PM 2/13/2000 -0500, Jason wrote:
>Is it acceptable for me to dish out tunnels as an end site, and if I do
>this, should I document them with tunnel attributes.
If you are a pNLA end-site (versue a transit) with a /48 then the only
tunnels would be for parts of your own network, i.e., some other SLA ID.
>Someday after I've been up for awhile I'd like to apply for a pTLA, but
>I'm doing some testing and would like to dish out some tunnels.
Why don't you get whomever your pTLA is to give you a pNLA transit block
(i.e., a shorter prefix than /48).