6to4 question

Francis Dupont Francis.Dupont@enst-bretagne.fr
Wed, 09 Aug 2000 10:17:00 +0200

 In your previous mail you wrote:

   I have been trying the 6to4 protocol and studying the related documents.
   In the draft "draft-ietf-ngtrans-6to4-06.txt",  there is description as
   the following:
               On its native IPv6 interface, the relay router MUST
   advertise a route
                to 2002::/16. It MUST NOT advertise a longer 2002:: routing
   prefix on
                that interface.
   I have doubt about this.

=> I have no doubt about this because we DON'T want to have the
whole IPv4 routing table injected into 2002:xx:yy::/48 stuff...
Whether the MUST NOT is enough is another question (I don't think so
then I proposed to swap the bytes of the embedded IPv4 address in
6to4 prefixes in order to make this impossible. Perhaps I was/am
too pessimistic... We'll see).
