IPv6 FORUM '' Founding Members''

Latif LADID ( latif.ladid@tbit.dk) latif.ladid@tbit.dk" <latif.ladid@tbit.dk
Fri, 7 May 1999 17:46:35 +0200

After just four weeks of campaign for the IPv6 FORUM, the feedback is 

People around the world support unconditionally IPv6 and see clearly the 
benefits of a dedicated forum for wider outreach and acceptance.

I am personally very pleased to share with you the preliminary results:

A - So far officially confirmed IPv6 FORUM '' Founding Members''  ( truly 
International Team ):

1  - Case Technology, UK-UAE
2  - Thomson-CSF Detexis, France
3  - Telebit, Denmark
4  - Eurocontrol, France
5  - Gigabell, Germany
6  - Hitachi, Japan
7  - Hewlett-Packard, USA
8  - DFN, Germany
9  - Canarie-Viagenie, Canada
10- NTT, Japan
11- WIDE, Japan
12- British Telecom, UK
13- Telecom Italia - CSELT, Italy

B - Very interested, but understandably need time to go through internal 
approval procedure:

3.	IBM
4.	France Telecom
5.	Deutsche Telekom
6.	AT&T NL
7.	Netmedia, Finland
8.	Acer, Taiwan
9.	RADLAN, Israel
10.	Mentat, US
11.	UMST Forum ICT Group

I might be missing some names !

C - Immediate Plan of Action

- First meeting in Oslo along the IETF meeting

- First Conference: GLOBAL IPv6 SUMMIT in Paris Oct 6-8.

- First Press Release will go out in June 99, timed with the Datacom article on 

- More exciting programs will be published in due time.

Hope to win more IPv6 Friends as Founding Members!
