2010::/16 filtering

Robert Rockell rrockell@sprint.net
Fri, 25 Jun 1999 03:04:33 -0400 (EDT)

I think that it becomes irrelevant which 6to4 router you use, so
potentially, multiple people could announce the same prefix. If we adopt
some kind of rule whereby all pTLA's have a 6to4 router, we won't even have
to announce it at all. 
Brian, could you comment? I don't want to misinterpret the draft.

Rob Rockell
Sprintlink Internet Service Center
Operations Engineering
1-800-724-3329, PIN 385-8833
Ines|e gnyne qh vagr bz s|e Ino ngg una {e hgr bpu plxyne?

On Fri, 25 Jun 1999, Craig Metz wrote:

->In message <4D0A23B3F74DD111ACCD00805F31D810145153E3@RED-MSG-50>, you write:
->>>   Is it possible to make the 6to4 translator appear under 
->>> your legitimate
->>> prefix?
->>>   I don't think it's a good idea to let every "hey, I'm 
->>> testing a new service,
->>> so please let me advertise a huge prefix" request happen; 
->>> that will just lead
->>> us to a bad place.
->>6to4 has been accepted by the ngtrans WG as a valuable tool. There are
->>already two interoperating implementations that I know of. The logical next
->>step is to setup and start testing a 6to4 relay router. I think it makes
->>sense to do this using the real 6to4 prefix - otherwise we'll need a
->>transition from the temporary 6to4 prefix to the real 6to4 prefix. That
->>would be a bad place.
->  Without some care to get the routing configuration done right, when that
->second implementation's author wants to also advertise the prefix on the 6Bone,
->bad things could happen. I'm no BGP wizard, but I think that it might be clever
->to grab a private-use ASN and to advertise all instances of this special prefix
->out of that ASN. Can someone who is more of a routing geek than I confirm or
->refute this?
->									-Craig