IPv6 deployment BOF at INET99

Marc Blanchet Marc.Blanchet@viagenie.qc.ca
Thu, 24 Jun 1999 15:37:38 -0400

	for those that are at INET99 in San José, or those that are in the Bay
area, there will be an IPv6 deployment BOF at 18h00 today. Meet near room
B3/B4 at 18h00 in the SanJosé Convention center.
	agenda is in the works, but basically related to: status of deployment
efforts and how to join.

Regards, Marc.

Marc Blanchet			| Marc.Blanchet@viagenie.qc.ca
Viagénie inc.			| http://www.viagenie.qc.ca
3107 des hôtels		| tél.: 418-656-9254 
Ste-Foy, Québec		| fax.: 418-656-0183
Canada, G1W 4W5		| radio: VA2-JAZ
Internet Engineering Standards/Normes d'ingénierie Internet