about Reverse Name Lookup

bmanning@ISI.EDU bmanning@ISI.EDU
Mon, 7 Jun 1999 10:25:22 -0700 (PDT)

> Hi:
> 	When we are a transit site or leaf site, we will ask our provider to
> have a pionter to us for the reverse name lookup in their DNS. However, when
> we become a backbone site, how can we set in DNS for our reverse name lookup?
> 					Thanks

This is a current weakness in the delegation process. While the registry is
a fine idea, it leaves out the DNS component. I've opined that the inverse
tree of the DNS works very well as a publication method for registry
data and avoids the problems inherent in a centralized registry... however:

When Bob authorizes a delegation, he sends an announcement to the list.
The delegates need to have at least two servers available to host the
delegation. For IP6.INT zones, it is -NOT- mandatory that you have a viable
ipv6 stack or server.  Normal nameservers work just fine.

Since these delegations presume that you will have to make sub-delegations,
the following steps should help:

	- Send me a list of your selected servers that will host
	  your delegation.  I'll be happy to provide one. 
	  the zone cuts will look like this:

f.5.ip6.int. in soa ns.isi.edu. bmanning.isi.edu. (
	1925845 10800 900 604800 129600 )
  in ns NS.ISI.EDU.
  in ns dot.ep.net.
;       bill manning    bmanning@vacation.karoshi.com  02dec96  ASN-4555        in      ns      ns.isi.edu.
                                in      ns      dot.ep.net.
;       bill manning    bmanning@isi.edu        02dec96  ASN-226        in      ns      ns.isi.edu.
                                in      ns      orb.isi.edu.
;  eof


	For your specific zone, you'll need your downstreams to do
	the same; e.g.  in soa ns.isi.edu. bmanning.isi.edu. (
        1925845 10800 900 604800 129600 )
  in ns NS.ISI.EDU.
  in ns dot.ep.net.
b.	in	ptr	IOSv6-7k.ep.net.
;    sub-tla delegation for testing.	in ns  dot.ep.net.
        in ns  flag.ep.net.

You may want to add something like this to your zone header, to help keep
this straight:

;   |   16    |       32      |   16   |          64 bits               |
;   +--+------+---------------+--------+--------------------------------+
;   |FP| TLA  |      NLA      |  SLA   |         Interface ID           |
;   |   16    | 8  | 8 |  16  | 8  | 8 |                                |
;   +---------+----+---+------+----+---+--------------------------------+
;   | 0x3ffe  |0x8 |   |  RES |RES |   |                                |
;   +---------+----+---+------+----+---+--------------------------------+
;       ^       ^    ^               ^
;       |       |    |               |
;       |       |    |      +--------+
;       |       |    |      |
;       |       |    |
;       |       |    |    0x26 = 3ffe:801:0000:0026::/64
;       |       |    |    0x11 3ffe:800:0000:0011::/64
;       |       |    |
;       |       |    +--- NLA2 0x00  LAP     = 3ffe:800:0000::/48
;       |       |              0x01  ISI     = 3ffe:801:0000::/48
;       |       |              0x02  CalTech = 3ffe:802:0000::/48
;       |       |              0x03  USC     = 3ffe:803:0000::/48
;       |       |              0x04  NMSU    = 3ffe:804:0000::/48 Jonathan Cook
;       |       |              0x05  iHighway= 3ffe:805:0000::/48 John M. Brown
;       |       |              0x06  AboveNet= 3ffe:806:0000::/48 Steve Rubin
;       |       |              0x07  Zocalo  = 3ffe:807:0000::/48 Bill Woodcock
;       |       |
;       |       +-------- NLA1 for LAP       = 3ffe:800::/24
;       |
;       +---------------- FP+TLA for 6bone   = 3ffe::/16

	Does this help at all?

