IPv6 multicast on the 6bone

Isabelle Labbe isabelle.labbe@crc.ca
Fri, 16 Jul 1999 10:54:34 -0400

I would like to find out more about the current state of IPv6 multicast
routing on the 6bone?  My understanding is that very little
implementations of IPv6 multicast routing protocols (e.g. PIMv6) exist. 
Our site connection to the 6bone is done through a Cisco IPv6 router. 
Cisco has currently no provision for IPv6 multicast routing.  If I wish
to test an IPv6 multicast application on the 6bone, is it possible at
all through tunneling? Are there any package such as mrouted (used on
the mbone) that has been ported to IPv6? What are the current solutions
to forward IPv6 multicast on the 6bone?

Isabelle Labbe
Isabelle Labbe	   	      		isabelle.labbe@crc.ca
Communications Research Centre          http://www.crc.ca
3701 Carling Av.
P.O.Box 11490 Stn. H, Ottawa,  ON  CANADA  K2H 8S2
phone(office): (613) 990-8777
Fax          : (613) 998-9648