(ngtrans) Re: 6BONE AUP

Perry E. Metzger perry@piermont.com
18 Feb 1999 18:21:02 -0500

"Michael P. Burton" <mpburton@europa.com> writes:
> |2) If I add a new prefix in, do I want to burn personel time dealing
> |with the event?
> Well, if it were plug-n-play, then we would all be out of a job, 
> wouldn't we? (laugh) Seriously though - I guess it would be the
> network admin's job to keep very specific notes on the usage of
> access-lists (and other ip number dependent resources) and be
> able to make the needed changes in a matter of hours.

No. That's really unacceptable. It is fine to automate something like
this and say "the solution is automation" (AFTER you demonstrate said
automation), but it is *not* fine to say "the solution is burning
human cycles". If that is the solution, then we'll never be able to
renumber. There are companies with tens of thousands of machines and
huge numbers of clueless managers. If they spend six hours every week
renumbering, they'll kill us all. More importantly, they'll block the
moves to renumber, which will destroy the whole flexibility the system
is supposed to have.
