(ngtrans) Re: 6BONE AUP

Michael P. Burton mpburton@europa.com
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 14:55:07 -0800 (PST)

|"Michael P. Burton" <mpburton@europa.com> writes:
|> I'm awefully new to the IPv^ ballgame, but isn't there leeway for
|> dual-homing on the same interface to ease transition from one
|> prefix to another?
|1) If I add a new prefix in, do I want my filter rules to not apply to 
|it, or for it to be blocked by accident?
|2) If I add a new prefix in, do I want to burn personel time dealing
|with the event?

Well, if it were plug-n-play, then we would all be out of a job, 
wouldn't we? (laugh) Seriously though - I guess it would be the
network admin's job to keep very specific notes on the usage of
access-lists (and other ip number dependent resources) and be
able to make the needed changes in a matter of hours. Another solution
might be a way to "push" new access-list information out to all
routers from an authorative-router. Of course, that would have to rely
on the AH and ESP headers to guarentee no wrong-doing was done...

Michael P. Burton                                         Member:DNRC