stla registry db issue

Tue, 21 Dec 1999 03:14:26 +0900


I have some questions about stla reigstry database.

In delegating IPv6 stla address for another organizations(upper
than /48) from Local Internet Registry(LIR),it is need to update 
Regional Internet Registry(RIR)'s database.(It was defined by 
IPv6 policy draft of RIR)

So the problem is how we should do in following situation.
  		|RIR X(/29)|
		|LIR Y(/35)+
	        |NLA1 Z(/40)|  NLA1 is assumed to be a kind of 
	        +--------+--+  ISP which allocates IPv6 address 
		         |     for another organizations.

The goal of this figure is that organization A which was allocated
by NLA1 Z can update RIR X's registry database tranceparency.

The simplest way of this situation is that org A updates RIR's
database directly and RIR's "mnt-lower" syntax may help it.
But in just my opinion,it's not utilized IPv6 hierarchy address
structure (and is not clarified who will delegate reverse DNS zone).

In our current rules, org A updates  LIR Y's database once
and LIR Y registry  will update this information to RIR X's database
 in hand and also LIR Y registry delegates reverse DNS zone for org A 
in this time.(accutual allocation will be held at 1/1/2000)
In this method,it takes many human consts if 50 update queries
are coming per a day.

So I think it will very helpful that there is some mechanism that can 
make it automatically by sharing registry database or whatever.

So does anybody know or experiment such situation ? Or is there
any pointer to refer this matter? 

I think using Referral whois system is one of a solution.But I'm not
expert in rwhois and never experimenced this in IPv6 hierarchy address.


Kengo Nagahashi
Keio University/WIDE Project